Seite 226 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
Good cooks are few. Many, many mothers need to take lessons
in cooking, that they may set before the family well-prepared, neatly-
served food.
Before children take lessons on the organ or the piano they should
be given lessons in cooking. The work of learning to cook need not
exclude music, but to learn music is of less importance than to learn
how to prepare food that is wholesome and appetizing.
Connected with our sanitariums and schools there should be cook-
ing schools, where instruction is given on the proper preparation of
food. In all our schools there should be those who are fitted to educate
the students, both men and women, in the art of cooking. Women
especially should learn how to cook.
It is a sin to place poorly-prepared food on the table, because the
matter of eating concerns the well-being of the entire system. The
Lord desires His people to appreciate the necessity of having food
prepared in such a way that it will not make sour stomachs, and in
consequence, sour tempers. Let us remember that there is practical
religion in a loaf of good bread.
Let not the work of cooking be looked upon as a sort of slavery.
What would become of those in our world if all who are engaged in
cooking should give up their work with the flimsy excuse that it is
not sufficiently dignified? Cooking may be regarded as less desirable
than some other lines of work, but in reality it is a science in value
above all other sciences. Thus God regards the preparation of healthful
food. He places a high estimate on those who do faithful service in
preparing wholesome, palatable food. The one who understands the
art of properly preparing food, and who uses this knowledge, is worthy
of higher commendation than those engaged in any other line of work.
This talent should be regarded as equal in value to ten talents; for its
right use has much to do with keeping the human organism in health.
Because so inseparably connected with life and health, it is the most
valuable of all gifts.
Manuscript 27, 1906Manuscript 27, 1906
The light on the subject of health reform was given by the Lord,
and we are not to depart from it. The Lord has put into the minds
of some a knowledge of how to prepare wholesome articles of food.