Seite 227 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Healthful Cookery
But it is not His design that this knowledge shall be confined to a few.
In every family there should be those who understand the science of
healthful cooking....
We should put forth greater efforts to teach the people the truths
of health reform. At every campmeeting an effort should be made to
demonstrate what can be done in providing an appetizing, wholesome
diet from grains, fruits, nuts and vegetables. In every place where new
companies are brought into the truth, instruction should be given in
the science of preparing wholesome food. Workers should be chosen
who can labor from house to house in an educational campaign.
Letter B 135, 1902
Those who do not know how to cook hygienically should learn to
combine wholesome, nourishing articles of food in such a way as to
make appetizing dishes. Let those who desire to gain knowledge in
this line subscribe for our health journals. They will find information
on this point in them.
Without continually exercising ingenuity, no one can excel in
healthful cookery, but those whose hearts are open to impressions and
suggestions from the great Teacher will learn many things, and will be
able also to teach others; for He will give them skill and understanding.