Seite 377 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Overeating and Control of Appetite
the meat for which they had lusted. If they had submitted to have the
Lord select their food for them, and had been thankful, and satisfied
for food which they could eat freely of without injury, they would not
have lost the favor of God, and then been punished for their rebellious
murmurings, by great numbers of them being slain.
The Facts of Faith 2:120
Adam and Eve in Eden were noble in stature, and perfect in sym-
metry and beauty. They were sinless, and in perfect health. What a
contrast to the human race now! Beauty is gone. Perfect health is not
known. Everywhere we look we see disease, deformity and imbecility.
I inquired the cause of this wonderful degeneracy, and was pointed
back to Eden. The beautiful Eve was beguiled by the serpent to eat of
the fruit of the only tree of which God had forbidden them to eat, or
even touch it lest they die.
Eve had everything to make her happy. She was surrounded by
fruit of every variety. Yet the fruit of the forbidden tree appeared more
desirable to her than the fruit of all the other trees in the garden of
which she could freely eat. She was intemperate in her desires. She
ate and through her influence, her husband ate also, and a curse rested
upon them both. The earth also was cursed because of their sin. And
since the fall, intemperance in almost every form has existed. The
appetite has controlled reason. The human family have followed in a
course of disobedience, and, like Eve, have been beguiled by Satan to
disregard the prohibitions God has made, flattering themselves that the
consequence would not be as fearful as had been apprehended. The
human family have violated the laws of health, and have run to excess
in almost everything. Disease has been steadily increasing. The cause
has been followed by effect.
The Facts of Faith 2:121-122
When the Lord brought His people from Egyptian bondage, He led
them through the wilderness to prove them, and try them. He promised
to be their God, and to take them to Himself as His peculiar treasure.
He did not prohibit their eating meat, but withheld it from them in a
great measure. He gave them food which He designed that they should
have, which was healthy, and of which they could eat freely. He rained