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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
their bread from Heaven, and gave them purest water out of the flinty
rock. He made a covenant with them, that if they would obey Him in
all things, He would put no disease upon them. But the Israelites were
not satisfied with the food which God gave them. They murmured
against Moses and against God, and wished themselves back in Egypt,
where they could sit by the flesh-pots. God in His anger gave them
flesh to gratify their lustful appetite, and great numbers of them died
in the act of eating the meat for which they had lusted. While it was
yet between their teeth the curse of God came upon them. God here
teaches His people that He is displeased with their permitting their
appetite to control them. The Israelites at times would prefer slavery,
and even death, rather than to be deprived of meat.
The Facts of Faith 2:125-126
Those who do not control their appetites in eating are guilty of in-
temperance. In those cases where men lose all sense of their obligation
to God, their families, and to community, it is a slow process. They are
not changed from the kind husband and father at once. It takes time to
degrade them to beasts, where they become mere wrecks of human-
ity. With many, their first error is in making a God of their appetite,
subsisting mostly on highly-seasoned animal food which produces a
feverish state of the system, especially if pork is used freely.
The Facts of Faith 2:129-132
There is a class who profess to believe the truth, who do not use
tobacco, snuff, tea, or coffee, yet they are guilty of gratifying the
appetite in a different manner. They crave highly-seasoned meats,
with rich gravies, and their appetite has become so perverted that they
can not be satisfied with even meat, unless prepared in a manner most
Because it is the fashion, in harmony with morbid appetite, rich
cake, pies, and puddings, and every hurtful thing, are crowded into
the stomach. The table must be loaded down with a variety, or the
depraved appetite can not be satisfied. In the morning, these slaves to
appetite often have impure breath, and a furred tongue. They do not
enjoy health, and wonder why they suffer with pains, headaches, and
various ills. Many eat three times a day, and again just before going to