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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
porridge would not insure health to the digestive organs, because it is
too much like a liquid.
Testimonies for the Church 1:205-206
I saw that you had mistaken notions about afflicting your bodies,
depriving yourselves of nourishing food. These things lead some of
the church to think that God is surely with you, or you would not deny
self, and sacrifice thus. But I saw that none of these things will make
you more holy. The heathen do all this, but receive no reward for it. A
broken and contrite spirit before God is in His sight of great price. I
saw that your views concerning these things are erroneous, and that
you are looking at the church and watching them, noticing little things,
when your attention should be turned to your own soul’s interest. God
has not laid the burden of His flock upon you. You think that the
church is upon the background, because they can not see things as
you do, and because they do not follow the same rigid course which
you think you are required to pursue. I saw that you are deceived in
regard to your own duty and the duty of others. Some have gone to
extremes in regard to diet. They have taken a rigid course, and lived
so very plain that their health has suffered, disease has strengthened in
the system, and the temple of God has been weakened.
I was referred back to our experience in Rochester, N. Y. I saw
that when we lived there we did not eat nourishing food as we should,
and disease nearly carried us to the grave. I saw that as God gives
His beloved sleep, He is willing to grant them suitable food to nourish
the strength. The motive we had was pure. It was to save means,
that the paper might be sustained. We were poor. I saw that the fault
then was in the church. Those who had means were covetous and
selfish. If these had done their part, the burden upon us would have
been lightened; but as some did not do their part, we were burdened
and others eased. I saw that God does not require any one to take a
course of such rigid economy as to weaken or injure the temple of
God. There are duties and requirements in His word to humble the
church and cause them to afflict their souls, and there is no need of
making crosses and manufacturing duties to distress the body in order
to cause humility. All this is outside of the word of God.