Seite 99 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Extremes in Diet
The time of trouble is just before us; and then stern necessity will
require the people of God to deny self, and to eat merely enough to
sustain life; but God will prepare us for that time. In that fearful hour
our necessity will be God’s opportunity to impart His strengthening
power, and to sustain His people....
Those who labor with their hands must nourish their strength to
perform this labor, and those also who labor in word and doctrine must
nourish their strength; for Satan and his evil angels are warring against
them to tear down their strength. They should seek rest of body and
mind from wearing labor when they can, and should eat of nourishing,
strengthening food to build up their strength; for they will be obliged
to exercise all the strength they have. I saw that it does not glorify
God in the least for any of His people to make a time of trouble for
themselves. There is a time of trouble just before God’s people, and
He will prepare them for that fearful conflict.
Testimonies for the Church 2:63
We advise you to change your habits of living; but while you do this
we caution you to move understandingly. I am acquainted with families
who have changed from a meat diet to one that is impoverished. Their
food is so poorly prepared that the stomach loathes it, and such have
told me that the health reform did not agree with them; that they were
decreasing in physical strength. Here is one reason why some have
not been successful in their efforts to simplify their food. They have a
poverty-stricken diet. Food is prepared without painstaking, and there
is a continual sameness. There should not be many kinds at any one
meal, but all meals should not be composed of the same kinds of food
without variation. Food should be prepared with simplicity, yet with
a nicety which will invite the appetite. You should keep grease out
of your food. It defiles any preparation of food you may make. Eat
largely of fruits and vegetables.
Testimonies for the Church 2:254
You have erred, and thought it was pride which led your wife to
desire to have things more comfortable around her. She has been
stinted, and dealt closely with by you. She needs a more generous
diet, a more plentiful supply of food upon her table; and in her house