Seite 106 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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The Voice in Speech and Song
Inspiration Through a Holy Boldness—Let the tongue be in-
spired with a holy boldness to speak words of encouragement, words
that will arouse and strengthen souls to break the bands of indolence
and security that bind them in uncertainty.—Lt 151, 1903.
Parrot-like Repetitions—You cannot reach hearts with a mere
form of words, a parrot-like repetition of set phrases. What you say
must be the expression of a personal experience. If you cheer hearts
with words of courage and hope, it will be because the grace and love
of God are to you a living reality. It is God’s impress that these souls
are to receive, not your own. But if the worker has not himself been
refined, transformed, he cannot present the truth with a freshness, a
force, a power, that awakens responsive feelings in those who hear the
word of life.—
The Review and Herald, April 12, 1892
Words of Cheer—The wails of a world’s sorrow are heard all
around us. Sin is pressing its shadow upon us, and our minds must
be ready for every good word and work. We know that we have the
presence of Jesus. The sweet influence of His Holy Spirit is teaching
and guiding our thoughts, leading us to speak words that will cheer and
brighten the pathway of others.—
Testimonies for the Church 6:115
Pleasant, Agreeable Tones—We are to speak words that will com-
fort and encourage. Brethren and sisters, train yourselves to speak in
pleasant, agreeable tones. It does no harm, but good, to speak kindly,
but to speak discourteously and roughly drives the holy angels away
in sadness.—
The Review and Herald, June 15, 1905
As a Nail in a Sure Place—Great thoughts, noble aspirations,
clear perceptions of truth, unselfish purposes, yearnings for piety and
holiness, will find expression in words that reveal the character of the
heart treasure.
Those with whom we associate day by day need our help, our
guidance. They may be in such a condition of mind that a word spoken
in season will be as a nail in a sure place.—
Prophets and Kings, 348
Seeds of Doubt a Service of Satan—Let us guard against speak-
ing words that discourage. Let us resolve never to engage in evilspeak-
ing and backbiting. Let us refuse to serve Satan by implanting seeds
of doubt. Let us guard against cherishing unbelief, or expressing it to
others. Many, many times I have wished that there might be circulated
a pledge containing a solemn promise to speak only those words that
are pleasing to God. There is as great need for such a pledge as there