Seite 107 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Hope and Encouragement
is for one against the use of intoxicating liquor. Let us begin to dis-
cipline the tongue, remembering always that we can do this only by
disciplining the mind, for “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth
Matthew 12:34
Our High Calling, 291
Presentation of the Saviour—Oh, let no word be spoken to cause
deeper pain! To the soul weary of a life of sin, but knowing not where
to find relief, present the compassionate Saviour. Take him by the
hand, lift him up, speak to him words of courage and hope. Help him
to grasp the hand of the Saviour.—
The Ministry of Healing, 168
The Heavenly Ladder—He who comes to Jesus is setting his feet
upon a ladder that reaches from earth to heaven. Teach it by pen, by
voice, that God is above the ladder; the bright rays of His glory are
shining upon every round of the ladder. He is looking graciously upon
all who are climbing painfully upward, that He may send them help,
divine help, when the hand seems to be relaxing and the foot trembling.
Yes, tell it, tell it in words that will melt the heart, that not one who
shall perseveringly climb the ladder will fail of an entrance into the
everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; those who
believe in Christ shall never perish, neither shall any pluck them out
of His hand.
Tell the people in clear, hopeful language how they may escape
the heritage of shame which is our deserved portion. But for Christ’s
sake do not present before them ideas that will discourage them, that
will make the way to heaven seem very difficult.—
Selected Messages
1:181, 182
Remedy for Depression—We cannot afford to be in any way a
hindrance to others. Each has his own peculiar temptations and trials,
and we are to stand in a position where we can help and strengthen
the tempted. We are to encourage, and, if possible, lift up those that
are weak in the faith. By speaking of the promises of God, we may
sometimes remove depression from the minds of those who are in trial
and difficulty.—
Mind, Character, and Personality 2:435
Conversation About Heaven—When we can associate together
to help one another heavenward, when the conversation is upon divine
and heavenly things, then it amounts to something to talk; but when the
conversation centers upon self and earthly and unimportant matters,
silence is golden. The obedient ear will receive reproof with humility,
patience, and teachableness. Then only do our communications with