Seite 141 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Simplicity and Clarity
Logical Sequence of Ideas—Some minds are more like an old
curiosity shop than anything else. Many odd bits and ends of truth
have been picked up and stored away there; but they know not how
to present them in a clear, connected manner. It is the relation that
these ideas have to one another that gives them value. Every idea and
statement should be as closely united as the links in a chain. When
a minister throws out a mass of matter before the people for them to
pick up and arrange in order, his labors are lost; for there are few who
will do it.—
Evangelism, 648, 649
A Few Essential Points at a Time—The truth is so different in its
character and work from the popular errors that are preached from the
pulpit, that as it is brought before the people it almost takes away their
breath and senses. It is strong meat and should be dealt out judiciously;
then those who listen, if you stop when you should, will be eager to
hear more.
God has made His messengers the depositaries of His truth,
weighty and important with eternal results. Light is to shine forth
amid the moral darkness to reveal sin and error. The truth must be
given point after point. It must be spoken distinctly and with clear ut-
terance making a few essential points; then it will be as a nail fastened
in a sure place by the Master of assemblies.
The preacher should labor to carry the understanding and sympa-
thies of the people with him. Do not place the crib too high where the
people cannot follow. This would not be wise generalship in teaching
the truth.—Lt 7, 1885.
Things New and Old From God’s Treasure House—Ministers
need to have a more clear, simple manner in presenting the truth as
it is in Jesus.... Those who neglect this part of the work need to be
converted themselves before venturing to give a discourse. Those
whose hearts are filled with the love of Jesus, with the precious truths
of His Word, will be able to draw from the treasure house of God things
new and old. They will not find time to relate anecdotes; they will not
strain to become orators, soaring so high that they cannot carry the
people with them; but in simple language, with touching earnestness,
they will present the truth as it is in Jesus.—
Selected Messages 1:157
Futility of Intellectual Discourses—Ministers should present the
truth in a clear, simple manner. There are among their hearers many
who need a plain explanation of the steps requisite in conversion.