Seite 17 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Design for Communication
Words Seasoned With Wisdom and Purity—By our words we
are to be justified or condemned. When in the final judgment we stand
before the tribunal of God, it is our words that will justify or condemn
us. Much more than we realize is involved in the matter of speech
Let your lips be touched with a live coal from the divine altar. Utter
only words of truth. Watch and pray, that your words and deeds may
ever confess Christ. Let your words be seasoned with wisdom and
purity.—Lt 283, 1904.
Impartation of Christ’s Grace—The riches of the grace of Christ
which He is ever ready to bestow upon us, we are to impart in true,
hopeful words. “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.”
If we would guard our words, so that nothing but kindness shall es-
cape our lips, we will give evidence that we are preparing to become
members of the heavenly family. In words and works we shall show
forth the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into His
marvelous light. Oh, what a reformative influence would go forth if
we as a people would value at its true worth the talent of speech and
its influence upon human souls!—.
Counsel, Encouragement, and Reproof—The talent of speech
was given to us that we might speak, not words of faultfinding, but
words of counsel, words of encouragement, words of reproof.—
Review and Herald, July 20, 1905