Seite 18 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Chapter 3—A Tool for Evangelism
Speech for Witnessing—God has given us the gift of speech that
we may recite to others His dealing with us, that His love and compas-
sion may touch other hearts, and that praise may arise from other souls
also to Him who has called them out of darkness into His marvelous
light. The Lord has said, “Ye are My witnesses” (
Isaiah 43:10
). But
all who are called to be witnesses for Christ must learn of Him, that
they may be efficient witnesses. As children of the heavenly King,
they should educate themselves to bear testimony in a clear, distinct
voice, and in such a manner that no one may receive the impression
that they are reluctant to tell of the mercies of the Lord.—
Counsels to
Parents, Teachers, and Students, 243
Communication of the Truth—The gospel of Christ is to be pro-
claimed by the voice. With the talent of speech we are to communicate
the truth as we have opportunity. It should ever be used in God’s
The Review and Herald, September 12, 1899
Correct Language and Cultivated Voices—Oh, that all might
search diligently to know what is truth, to study earnestly that
they might have correct language and cultivated voices, that they
might present the truth in all its elevated and ennobling beauty.—
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 256
A Channel for the Knowledge of God—The faculty of speech is
a precious gift, and if the noblest of our faculties, reason, is set to the
task of knowing God, then the gift of speech may become a means of
grace to others, a channel through which the knowledge of God may
be communicated.—Lt 59, 1895.
The Way to Present Christ—God gave men eyes, that they might
behold wondrous things out of His law. He gave them the hearing ear,
that they might listen to His message, spoken by the living preacher. He
gave men the talent of speech, that they might present Christ as the sin-
pardoning Saviour. With the heart man believeth unto righteousness,
and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.—
The Adventist
Home, 401