Seite 182 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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The Voice in Speech and Song
anointed ones empty themselves through the golden pipes, the golden
oil flows out of themselves into the golden bowls, to flow forth into the
lamps, the churches. This is the work of every true, devoted servant of
the living God.
The Lord God of heaven cannot approve much that is brought
into the pulpit by those who are professedly speaking the word of the
Lord. They do not inculcate ideas that will be a blessing to those who
hear. There is cheap, very cheap fodder placed before the people.—
Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 336, 337
Strange Fire—The minister is using strange fire when he mixes
storytelling with his discourses.... You have men of all classes of
minds to meet, and as you deal with the sacred Word, you should
manifest earnestness, respect, reverence. Let not the impression be
made upon any mind that you are a cheap, surface speaker. Weed
out storytelling from your discourses. Preach the Word. You would
have had more sheaves to bring to the Master if you had constantly
preached the Word. You little understand the soul’s great need and
longing. Some are wrestling with doubt, almost in despair, almost
Evangelism, 210
Use of Visual Aids—By the use of charts, symbols, and repre-
sentations of various kinds the minister can make the truth stand out
clearly and distinctly. This is a help, and in harmony with the Word of
Testimonies for the Church 9:142
Object Lessons in Sabbath School—Our Sabbath Schools
should be made more interesting. The public schools have of late
years greatly improved their methods of teaching. Object lessons,
pictures, and blackboards are used to make difficult lessons clear to
the youthful mind. Just so may present truth be simplified and made
intensely interesting to the active minds of the children.—
Counsels on
Sabbath School Work, 114
Memory Training—The use of object lessons, blackboards, maps,
and pictures, will be an aid in explaining these lessons [Bible stories],
and fixing them in the memory. Parents and teachers should constantly
seek for improved methods.—
Education, 186
Charts in Presentation of Truth—Instruction has been given me
clearly and distinctly that charts should be used in the presentation of
truth. And these illustrations should be made still more impressive by
words showing the importance of obedience.—
Evangelism, 203