Seite 183 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Illustrations and Visual Aids
Combination of Word and Illustration—The use of charts is
most effective in explaining the prophecies relating to the past, the
present, and the future. But we are to make our work as simple and
inexpensive as possible. The truth is to be explained in simplicity.—
Evangelism, 203
Means of Holding Attention—Brother S is an intelligent evange-
list. He speaks with the simplicity of a child. Never does he bring any
slur into his discourses. He preaches directly from the Word, letting
the Word speak to all classes. His strong arguments are the words of
the Old and the New Testaments. He does not seek for words that
would merely impress the people with his learning, but he endeavors to
let the Word of God speak to them directly in clear, distinct utterance.
If any refuse to accept the message, they must reject the Word.
Brother S dwells especially upon the prophecies in the books
of Daniel and the Revelation. He has large representations of the
beasts spoken of in these books, and these are brought forward at the
proper time to illustrate his remarks. Not one careless or unnecessary
word escapes his lips. He speaks forcibly and solemnly. Many of
his hearers have never before heard discourses of so solemn a nature.
They manifest no spirit of levity, but a solemn awe seems to rest upon
Evangelism, 204, 205
Life-Size Images of Prophetic Beasts—Elder S is arousing a
good interest by his meetings. People of all classes come out to hear,
and to see the life-size images that he has of the beasts of Revelation.—
Evangelism, 205
Representations With Convincing Power—I am pleased with
the manner in which our brother [Elder S] has used his ingenuity and
tact in providing suitable illustrations for the subjects presented—
representations that have a convincing power. Such methods will be
used more and more in this closing work.—
Evangelism, 205
Illustrative Devices—Let the workers for God manifest tact and
talent, and originate devices by which to communicate light to those
who are near and to those who are afar off.—
Evangelism, 206