Seite 23 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Chapter 4—Importance of Speech Education
Most Important Branch—The talent of speech is to be carefully
studied and carefully guarded. This is the most important branch of
education, but one which is sadly neglected in all our associations.
The power to communicate to our associates may be a great blessing
or a great curse.—
Manuscript 77, 1897
Essential Subject for Our Schools—The education of the speech
must not be neglected in our schools. Those who go into society with
a desire and a determination to be as Christ commanded them to be,
will not condescend to unchristian conversation. They will seek to
represent Christ by their spirit and words.—
The Review and Herald,
January 25, 1898
Sanctified Conversation—The light given me by the word of
God is that the speech needs to be converted and sanctified. The Lord
requires that education should be given in the science of conversation.
This faculty has been much abused and perverted. It has not been held
as a precious gift from God, to be used to glorify His name. The words
are a power for good or evil, a savor of life unto life, or of death unto
death. Choice words must be spoken by those who would do service
for Christ. Haphazard words, hasty, common words, talking for the
sake of talking, when silence would be better, is a sin. Those who
are the most wordy exercise no wholesome influence upon the society
in which they live and move. Bible religion is not to be boastfully
paraded, but quietly practiced in good words and works.—
74, 1897
Evil Speaking a Misdemeanor—Notice these words: “And let
the peace of God rule in your heart.” If you do this, a flood of words
that have in them no virtue or goodness, will not pour from your lips.
“To the which also ye are called in one body, and be ye thankful.
Let the word of God dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and
admonishing one another in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs,
singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do