Seite 24 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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The Voice in Speech and Song
in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to
God and the Father by Him.”
This is the education we need in our schools. The hasty, reckless
use of the faculty of speech lies at the foundation of nearly all the
church troubles that exist. Evilspeaking should be dealt with as a
misdemeanor that is subject to church trial and separation from church
membership if persisted in; for the church cannot be set in order in
any other way.—
Manuscript 74, 1897
Science of Conversation As Related to the Study of God’s
Word—Our education in regard to the science of conversation will be
in every way improved if we make the Word of God our study. This
branch of education has been woefully neglected. Many receive diplo-
mas from colleges who have not earned them by gaining an all-round
education. Teachers and pupils are apt to skip the important matter
of the education of speech. For want of training in this line, students
lose much. They go from school to be deficient all through their life
Manuscript 74, 1897