Seite 251 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Chapter 63—Adventist Pioneers
William Miller
Language of Truth—Mr. Miller’s manner of preaching was not
flowery or oratorical, but he dealt in plain and startling facts that
roused his hearers from their careless indifference. He supported
his statements and theories by Scripture proof as he progressed. A
convincing power attended his words, that seemed to stamp them as
the language of truth....
He was an interesting speaker, and his exhortations, both to pro-
fessed Christians and the impenitent, were appropriate and powerful.
Sometimes a solemnity so marked as to be painful, pervaded his meet-
ings. A sense of the impending crisis of human events impressed the
minds of the listening crowds.—
Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, 27
James White
Boldness in Acting and Speaking—God should have the glory
for the unbending integrity and noble courage to vindicate the right and
condemn the wrong which my husband has had. Just such firmness
and decision were necessary at the commencement of the work, and
they have been needed all along, as it progressed step by step. He
has stood in defense of the truth without yielding a single principle to
please the best friend. He has had an ardent temperament, bold and
fearless in acting and speaking. This has often led him into difficulties
which he might frequently have avoided. He has been obliged to stand
more firmly, to be more decided, to speak more earnestly and boldly,
because of the very different temperament of the men connected with
him in his labor.—
Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, 243
Clearness of Mind—After God had tested and proved us in the
furnace of affliction, He raised up my husband and gave him greater
clearness of mind and power of intellect to plan and execute than he
had before his affliction. When my husband felt his own weakness and
moved in the fear of God, then the Lord was his strength. Prompt in