Seite 252 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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The Voice in Speech and Song
speech and action, he has pushed forward reforms where they would
otherwise have languished. He has made very liberal donations, fearing
that his means would prove a snare to him.—
Life Sketches of Ellen G.
White, 244
Precious Light of Truth for Himself—God has permitted the
precious light of truth to shine upon His Word and illuminate the mind
of my husband. He may reflect the rays of light from the presence of
Jesus upon others by his preaching and writing.—
Testimonies for the
Church 3:502
Greater Light for Others—I was shown that his relation to the
people of God was similar, in some respects, to that of Moses to Israel.
There were murmurers against Moses, when in adverse circumstances,
and there have been murmurers against him.... He has also given my
husband great light upon Bible subjects, not for himself alone, but for
others. I saw that these things should be written and talked out, and
that new light would continue to shine upon the Word.—
for the Church 3:85
Instrument of God for Reproof—As my husband has stood by
my side to sustain me in my work, and has borne a plain testimony in
unison with the work of the Spirit of God, many have felt that it was he
personally who was injuring them, when it was the Lord who laid upon
him the burden and who was, through His servant, reproving them and
seeking to bring them where they would repent of their wrongs and
have the favor of God.—
Testimonies for the Church 3:261
Influence of His Writings—My husband has labored untiringly
to bring the publishing interest up to its present state of prosperity. I
saw that he had had more sympathy and love from his brethren than he
has thought he had. They eagerly search the paper to find something
from his pen. If there is a tone of cheerfulness in his writings, if he
speaks encouragingly, their hearts are lightened, and some even weep
with tender feelings of joy. But if gloom and sadness are expressed, the
countenances of his brethren and sisters, as they read, grow sad, and
the spirit which characterizes his writings is reflected upon them.—
Testimonies for the Church 3:96, 97