Seite 253 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Adventist Pioneers
W. W. Prescott
Source of Success—I know that since coming to this place he has
had the outpouring of the Holy Spirit; his lips have been touched with
a live coal from off the altar. We know and can distinguish the voice
of the True Shepherd. The truth has been poured forth from the lips of
the servant of God as the people had never heard it before; unbelievers
turn pale, and say, “That man is inspired.” The people do not stroll
about the grounds, but go immediately into the tent, and listen as if
Every day some of our workers go out into the suburbs with [copies
of the Bible] Echoes, notices, and invitations to come to the meeting,
where such wonderful things are presented from the Word of God.
The Lord is pouring into the chambers of the mind and the soul temple
fresh light, as precious as gold. I never heard the Word presented with
greater fervency and power. I know it must be through the constraining
power of God upon the human instrument. It is remarked by many that
there is no manner of disturbance upon the ground. Every time I enter
the encampment, I think the angels of God are here.—Lt 82, 1895.
God’s Modern Messenger
First Speech (Poland, Maine, 1845)—For three months my
throat and lungs had been so diseased that I could talk but little, and
that in a low and husky tone. On this occasion I stood up in meeting
and commenced to speak in a whisper. I continued thus for about five
minutes, when the soreness and obstruction left me, my voice became
clear and strong, and I spoke with perfect ease and freedom for nearly
two hours. When my message was ended, my voice was gone until I
again stood before the people, when the same singular restoration was
repeated. I felt a constant assurance that I was doing the will of God,
and saw marked results attending my efforts.—
Life Sketches of Ellen
G. White, 72, 73
Strength From the Lord—Sabbath I was very feeble. After
speaking to the people I was so wearied I came near fainting. The
people said they had never seen me look so wretched before. I lost
fifteen pounds of flesh in three weeks. Sunday I entreated the Lord to
give me strength to bear my testimony to the people, and I believed.