Seite 257 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Adventist Pioneers
Ellen White: “Oh, yes, indeed; I have seen it over and over. My
husband got in the way of sometimes raising his voice very loud, and
it seemed as though he could not get out of that way. And there is a
brother in Texas, Brother A, that is dying just as sure as if he put a
knife to his throat. Now since I have come here I have thought of that
and I must write to him.”
Elder Kilgore: “He has been told about that.”
Elder Farnsworth: “They are all around in every conference.”
Ellen White: “In my younger days I used to talk too loud. The
Lord has shown me that I could not make the proper impression upon
the people by getting the voice to an unnatural pitch. Then Christ
was presented before me, and His manner of talking. There was a
sweet melody in His voice. His voice, in a slow, calm manner, reached
those who listened; His words penetrated their hearts, and they were
able to catch on to what He said before the next sentence was spoken.
Some seem to think they must race right straight along or else they
will lose the inspiration and the people will lose the inspiration. If that
is inspiration, let them lose it, and the sooner the better.
“Well, I wrote an article on that point when I was at St. Helena
because I felt as though our ministers were going down, and there was
some cause for it.”—
Manuscript 19b, 1890
Messages From God’s Spirit—When I am speaking to the peo-
ple I say much that I have not premeditated. The Spirit of the Lord
frequently comes upon me. I seem to be carried out of, and away from,
myself; the life and character of different persons are clearly presented
before my mind. I see their errors and dangers, and feel compelled to
speak of what is thus brought before me.—
Testimonies for the Church
Revelation Through Visions—Before I stand on my feet, I have
no thought of speaking as plainly as I do. But the Spirit of God rests
upon me with power, and I cannot but speak the words given me. I
dare not withhold one word of the testimony.... I speak the words given
me by a Power higher than human power, and I cannot, if I would,
recall one sentence.
In the night season the Lord gives me instruction in symbols, and
then explains their meaning. He gives me the word, and I dare not
refuse to give it to the people. The love of Christ, and, I venture to