Seite 258 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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The Voice in Speech and Song
add, the love of souls, constrains me, and I cannot hold my peace.—
Manuscript 22, 1890
Husband and Wife a Speaking Team—At first I moved out
timidly in the work of public speaking. If I had confidence, it was
given me by the Holy Spirit. If I spoke with freedom and power, it
was given me of God. Our meetings were usually conducted in such a
manner that both of us took part. My husband would give a doctrinal
discourse, then I would follow with an exhortation of considerable
length, melting my way into the feelings of the congregation. Thus
my husband sowed and I watered the seed of truth, and God did give
the increase.—
Testimonies for the Church 1:75
Life of Christ and the Health Question—Evening after the Sab-
bath, I spoke again to a large number. Sunday the Methodist church
was opened. Father spoke in the forenoon and I spoke in the afternoon
upon the life, sufferings, and resurrection of Christ. An appointment
was given out for the evening for me to speak at the hall upon the health
question. Long before the hour, the hall was full to overflowing and a
number stood in the street unable to get into the hall. We crowded our
passage through. But fears were expressed that the floor might give
way. Men who knew assured them there was not the least danger.
Persons proposed going to the Methodist house which was open for
their reception and more convenient and better ventilated. They stated
that quite a number were already there. One cried out, “Divide the
preachers.” Your father made answer [that] he would not venture to try
the experiment, fearing he would not get his share of hearers. Finally a
general move was made to the meetinghouse which was crowded and
extra seats prepared. I had a very respectful, attentive congregation.
I spoke one hour and a half, with freedom. The meeting closed well.
We have another appointment out tonight. May the Lord go with us
and aid us in our labor, is our prayer. [Letter to Ellen White’s son, W.
C. White]—Lt 17, 1870.
Sermon on
Colossians 1:24-29
—Brother D. T. Bourdeau spoke in
the early morning meeting. In the afternoon I spoke to the people from
Colossians 1:24-29
. I felt great weakness before going into the desk.
I pleaded most earnestly with God in prayer to help me and to bless
the people in a special manner. The Spirit of the Lord rested upon me
and upon the people. I was followed by three interpreters—German,
French, and Danish—but this did not embarrass me in the least. The