Seite 26 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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The Voice in Speech and Song
that help and bless no one, might better be changed for words of good,
elevated, enlightened common sense. This line of work is the greatest
missionary enterprise in which any Christian can engage. Those who
use the organs of speech as the living machinery of God, become living
stones in His temple, emitting light and knowledge.
The warnings and instruction of the Word of God are least heeded
on the subject of speech. If students would live according to the Bible
rule, the glory of God would be their aim in the exercise of the God-
given faculty of speech. They would diligently educate the tongue, so
that it would not utter strange and perverse things. Thus they would
indeed be overcomers in this exercise, which it is so difficult to practice.
Great advancement would be made in garrisoning the citadel of the
soul, that Satan should not enter to take possession.—
Manuscript 74,