Seite 27 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Chapter 6—The Role of Teachers
A Message of Eternal Import—Every Christian is called to make
known to others the unsearchable riches of Christ; therefore he should
seek for perfection in speech. He should present the Word of God in
a way that will commend it to the hearers. God does not design that
His human channels shall be uncouth. It is not His will that man shall
belittle or degrade the heavenly current that flows through him to the
We should look to Jesus, the perfect Pattern; we should pray for
the aid of the Holy Spirit, and in His strength we should seek to train
every organ for perfect work.
Especially is this true of those who are called to public service.
Every minister and every teacher should bear in mind that he is giving
to the people a message that involves eternal interests. The truth spoken
will judge them in the great day of final reckoning. And with some
souls the manner of the one delivering the message will determine
its reception or rejection. Then let the word be so spoken that it will
appeal to the understanding and impress the heart. Slowly, distinctly,
and solemnly should it be spoken, yet with all the earnestness which
its importance demands.—
Christ’s Object Lessons, 336
Obedience to God’s Word—In every line of instruction, teachers
are to seek to impart light from the Word of God, and to show the
importance of obedience to a “Thus saith the Lord.” The education
should be such that the students will make right principles the guide of
every action. This is the education that will abide through the eternal
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 516
The Cleansed Life an Effective Example—The teacher whose
soul is stayed upon Christ will speak and act like a Christian. Such
a one will not be satisfied until the truth cleanses his life from every
unessential thing. He will not be satisfied unless his mind is day by day
molded by the holy influences of the Spirit of God. Then Christ can
speak to the heart, and His voice, saying, “This is the way; walk ye in