Seite 287 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Singing a Means of Witness
learn to engage in missionary effort in earnest. He will bless us in this
service for others, and we shall see of His salvation.—
The Review and
Herald, August 27, 1903
Song Service During Travel—On Sabbath we had a song service.
Brother Lawrence, who is a musician, led the singing. All the pas-
sengers in the car seemed to enjoy the service greatly, many of them
joining in the singing.
On Sunday we had another song service, after which Elder Corliss
gave a short talk, taking as his text the words, “Behold, what manner
of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the
sons of God.” The passengers listened attentively and seemed to enjoy
what was said.
On Monday we had more singing, and we all seemed to be drawing
closer together.—
Evangelism, 503
Angels As Teachers of Singing—Those who have the gift of song
are needed. Song is one of the most effective means of impressing
spiritual truth upon the heart. Often by the words of sacred songs the
springs of penitence and faith have been unsealed.... Church members,
young and old, should be educated to go forth to proclaim this last
message to the world. If they go in humility, angels of God will go
with them, teaching them how to lift up the voice in prayer, how to
raise the voice in song, and how to proclaim the gospel message for
this time.—
My Life Today, 238