Seite 288 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Chapter 71—Singing in Israel’s Experience
Song and Events of Human History—The melody of praise is
the atmosphere of heaven; and when heaven comes in touch with
the earth, there is music and song—“thanksgiving, and the voice of
Isaiah 51:3
Above the new-created earth, as it lay, fair and unblemished, under
the smile of God, “the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of
God shouted for joy.”
Job 38:7
. So human hearts, in sympathy with
heaven, have responded to God’s goodness in notes of praise. Many of
the events of human history have been linked with song.—
Red Sea Crossing—The earliest song recorded in the Bible from
the lips of man was that glorious outburst of thanksgiving by the hosts
of Israel at the Red Sea.—
Education, 162
Miriam As Choir Leader—Like the voice of the great deep rose
from the vast hosts of Israel that sublime ascription. [See
.] It was taken up by the women of Israel, Miriam, the sister
of Moses, leading the way, as they went forth with timbrel and dance.
Far over desert and sea rang the joyous refrain, and the mountains
re-echoed the words of their praise—“Sing ye to Jehovah, for He hath
triumphed gloriously.”—
Patriarchs and Prophets, 288, 289
Song of Moses—These words [the song of Moses] were repeated
unto all Israel, and formed a song which was often sung, poured forth
in exalted strains of melody. This was the wisdom of Moses to present
the truth to them in song, that in strains of melody they should become
familiar with them, and be impressed upon the minds of the whole
nation, young and old. It was important for the children to learn the
song; for this would speak to them, to warn, to restrain, to reprove,
and encourage. It was a continual sermon.—
Evangelism, 496, 497
Songs as Prophecy—The more deeply to impress these truths [
Moses’ farewell speech to the children of Israel, he set before them the
results of obedience versus disobedience, a choice between life and
] upon all minds, the great leader embodied them in sacred verse.