Seite 36 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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The Voice in Speech and Song
must correspond to the importance of their message. If you are present-
ing the word in Christ’s way, your audience will be deeply impressed
with the truths you teach. The conviction will come to them that this
is the word of the living God.—
Testimonies for the Church 9:143
Importance of Every Word—Every uttered word exerts an in-
fluence, every action involves a train of responsibility. No one can
live to himself in this world, even if he would. Each one forms a part
of the great web of humanity, and through our individual threads of
influence, we are linked to the universe. Christ used His influence to
draw men to God, and He has left us an example of the way in which
we should speak and act. A person who is molded by the Spirit of God
will know how to speak a “word in season to him that is weary,” and
will realize the highest human blessedness—the joy of imparting to
others the precious treasures of the wisdom and grace of Christ. But
those who permit themselves to be controlled by the enemy of all good
will speak words which should never be uttered.—
The Review and
Herald, February 16, 1897
Impress of Every Word and Act—“We are laborers together with
1 Corinthians 3:9
. He will use you and me and each human
being who enters His service, if we will submit to His guidance. Each
one is to stand in his watchtower, listening attentively to that which
the Spirit has to say to him, remembering that his every word and
act makes an impression, not only on his own character, but on the
characters of those with whom he is connected.—
Testimonies for the
Church 8:172
Words of Love—Our duty is to live in the atmosphere of Christ’s
love, to breathe His love deeply, and to reflect its warmth around us.
Oh, what a sphere of influence is open before us! How carefully we
should cultivate the garden of the soul, so that it may bring forth only
pure, sweet, fragrant flowers! Words of love, tenderness, and charity
sanctify our influence over others.—
Our High Calling, 175
A Savor of Life or Death—The words we utter today in the ears
of the people, the works we are doing, the spirit of the message we
are bearing, will be a savor of life unto life or of death unto death.—
Testimonies for the Church 5:716
Blessing or Curse—Day by day we are sowing seeds for the future
harvest. We cannot be too careful of the seed we sow by our words.
Often words are carelessly spoken and forgotten, but these words, for