Seite 37 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Influence of Words
good or ill, will bring forth a harvest. Sow one unkind, harsh word,
and this seed, finding soil in the minds of the hearers, will spring up
to bear fruit after its kind. Sow one seed in loving, gentle, Christlike
words, and it will bring you rich returns. Let us guard ourselves, lest
we speak words that are not a blessing, but a curse.—
Our High Calling,
Which Controlling Power?—You cannot be too careful of what
you say, for the words you utter show what power is controlling your
mind and heart. If Christ rules in your heart, your words will reveal the
purity, beauty, and fragrance of a character molded and fashioned by
His will. But since his fall, Satan has been an accuser of the brethren,
and you must be on guard lest you reveal the same spirit.—
Character, and Personality 2:579, 580
Effective Living and Speaking—By the calmness of our conver-
sation we can bear good witness for Him [God]. Correct living and
correct speaking have a greater influence for good than all the sermons
that can be preached.—
Manuscript 65, 1901
Righteous words and deeds have a more powerful influence for
good than all the sermons that can be preached.—
My Life Today, 114
Judicious Conversation—Judicious conversation and right ac-
tions exert an influence which is a power in the right direction. But
generally those who talk most are those who do the least deep, earnest
thinking, the least work for the Master. They think that by talking they
can make up for their deficiencies. But it is doers of the Word that are
justified before God.—
Manuscript 53, 1899
Connection Between Our Hearts and Our Words—We shall
reveal what is in our hearts by the words we speak. The connection
between the heart and the words of our mouth is very intimate, and
by our words we shall be individFually judged in the last day.... Our
thoughts produce our words, and our words react upon our thoughts.—
Lt 16a, 1895.
An Indication of Character—The words are more than an indi-
cation of character; they have power to react on the character. Men
are influenced by their own words. Often under a momentary impulse,
prompted by Satan, they give utterance to jealousy or evil surmising,
expressing that which they do not really believe; but the expression
reacts on the thoughts. They are deceived by their words and come to
believe that true which was spoken at Satan’s instigation. Having once