Seite 53 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Chapter 12—Effectiveness of Presentation
Every Word a Savor of Life—Wherever He was, in the syna-
gogue, by the wayside, in the boat thrust out a little from the land,
at the Pharisee’s feast or the table of the publican, He spoke to men
of the things pertaining to the higher life. The things of nature, the
events of daily life, were bound up by Him with the words of truth.
The hearts of His hearers were drawn to Him; for He had healed their
sick, had comforted their sorrowing ones, and had taken their children
in His arms and blessed them. When He opened His lips to speak,
their attention was riveted upon Him, and every word was to some
soul a savor of life unto life.—
Christ’s Object Lessons, 338
Christ’s Speech As a Child—As soon as He could talk, Christ
used the talent of speech, in the family circle and among friends and
acquaintances, in a way that was without fault. Not one impure word
escaped His lips.—
Welfare Ministry, 286, 287
A Charm for the Learned—After Joseph and Mary had searched
for Him [Jesus] for three days, they found Him in the court of the
temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and
asking them questions. And all that heard Him were astonished at
His understanding and answers. He asked His questions with a grace
that charmed these learned men.... His mother could not but mark His
words, His spirit, His willing obedience to all her requirements.—
and Daughters of God, 134
His Audience Spellbound—Unlearned peasants and fishermen
from the surrounding country; the Roman soldiers from the barracks
of Herod; chieftains with their swords at their sides, ready to put down
anything that might savor of rebellion; the avaricious tax-gatherers
from their toll-booths; and from the Sanhedrin the phylactered priests—
all listened [to John the Baptist] as if spellbound; and all, even the
Pharisee and Sadducee, the cold, unimpressible scoffer, went away
with the sneer silenced, and cut to the heart with a sense of their sins.
Herod in his palace heard the message, and the proud, sin-hardened
ruler trembled at the call to repentance.—
Gospel Workers, 55