Seite 54 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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The Voice in Speech and Song
Authority in His Voice—He could say to whom He pleased, “Fol-
low Me,” and the one addressed arose and followed Him. The spell
of the world’s enchantment was broken. At the sound of His voice
the spirit of greed and ambition fled from the heart, and men arose,
emancipated, to follow the Saviour.—
The Ministry of Healing, 25
His Life an Example for His Words—What He taught, He lived.
“I have given you an example,” He said to His disciples, “that ye should
do as I have done.” “I have kept My Father’s commandments.”
. Thus in His life, Christ’s words had perfect illustration
and support. And more than this; what He taught, He was. His words
were the expression, not only of His own life experience, but of His
own character.—
Education, 78, 79
His Spirit a Revelation of His Teaching—Christ’s teachings
were not impressed upon His hearers by any outward gestures, but
by the words and acts of His daily life, by the spirit He revealed.—
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 399
Powerful and Attractive Teaching—There is an eloquence far
more powerful than the eloquence of words in the quiet, consistent life
of a pure, true Christian. What a man is has more influence than what
he says.
The officers who were sent to Jesus came back with the report that
never man spoke as He spoke. But the reason for this was that never
man lived as He lived. Had His life been other than it was, He could
not have spoken as He did. His words bore with them a convincing
power, because they came from the heart pure and holy, full of love
and sympathy, benevolence and truth.—
The Ministry of Healing, 469
Gracious Words—The Pharisees were filled with a frenzy of ha-
tred against Him, because they could see that His teaching had a
power and an attractiveness that their words were utterly devoid of.
They decided that the only way to cut off His influence was to pass
sentence of death upon Him, and therefore they sent officers to take
Him. But when the officers came within hearing of His voice, and
listened to His gracious words, they were charmed into forgetting their
Manuscript 33, 1911
Impression of His Appearance and Words—The appearance
and words of Jesus during His trial made a deep impression upon the
minds of many who were present on that occasion.—
Early Writings,