Seite 72 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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The Voice in Speech and Song
scribes and Pharisees were treated, and this made them envious. Christ
gave lessons adapted for the needs of His hearers.—
Manuscript 19,
No Abrupt Actions nor Prescribed Rules—Jesus found access
to minds by the pathway of their most familiar associations. He dis-
turbed as little as possible their accustomed train of thought, by abrupt
actions or prescribed rules. He honored man with His confidence,
and thus placed him on his honor. He introduced old truths in a new
and precious light.... The truth came from His lips beautiful in its
simplicity, yet clothed with dignity and power.—
Evangelism, 140
Various Methods to Gain Attention—From Christ’s methods of
labor we may learn many valuable lessons. He did not follow merely
one method; in various ways He sought to gain the attention of the
multitude, and, having succeeded in this, He proclaimed to them the
truths of the gospel.—
Counsels on Health, 387