Seite 73 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Chapter 21—Illustrations, Symbols, and Figures of
Well-Chosen Illustrations—Jesus was the greatest teacher the
world ever knew. He presented truth in clear, forcible statements, and
the illustrations He used were of the purest and highest order. He
never mingled cheap symbols and figures with His divine instruction,
or sought to pander to curiosity or to gratify the class that will listen
simply to be amused. He did not bring sacred truth down to the level
of the common, and the comical illustrations that some ministers of the
gospel use were never uttered by His divine lips. Christ did not employ
illustrations that would create amusement and excite laughter.—
Review and Herald, August 6, 1895
Nothing Comical for Mere Attention—In the instruction of the
divine Teacher, there was no illustration used that would leave the
least shadow upon the tablets of the soul. His words were of the purest
and most elevated character. He never stooped to utter that which was
comical, in order that He might attract an audience.—
The Review and
Herald, August 6, 1895
Illustrations of Common Things—Jesus illustrated the glories of
the kingdom of God by the use of the experiences and occurrences of
earth. In compassionate love and tenderness He cheered and comforted
and instructed all who heard Him; for grace was poured upon His lips
that He might convey to men in the most attractive way the treasures
of truth.—
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 240
Spiritual Lessons From Nature—The Great Teacher brought His
hearers in contact with nature, that they might listen to the voice which
speaks in all created things; and as their hearts became tender and their
minds receptive, He helped them to interpret the spiritual teaching of
the scenes upon which their eyes rested. The parables, by means of
which He loved to teach lessons of truth, show how open His spirit
was to the influences of nature, and how He delighted to gather the
spiritual teaching from the surroundings of daily life.