Seite 87 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Kinds of Negative Speaking
that God’s Word forbids this kind of conversation.—
The Review and
Herald, February 25, 1904
Effects of Improper Conversation—The sin of foolish talk is
common among those who claim to believe the most solemn truths
ever given to our world. Because of this commonplace, frivolous talk,
the Spirit of the Lord is grieved away. Improper conversation is the
reason of such a lack of faith and power among the people of God.—Lt
47, 1897.
No Frivolity Nor Trifling—All frivolity, all cheapness of conver-
sation, all jesting and joking, weakens the soul, and weans the heart
from prayer. Like Paul, the true followers of Christ will ever bear about
in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus; they cannot keep in mind the
sufferings of Christ for them, and yet be light and trifling.—
Workers, 233, 1892
Foolish Talk—But few realize that they drive away the Spirit
of God with their selfish thoughts and feelings, their foolish, trifling
talk.... If the grace of Christ were planted in their hearts, and striking its
roots down deep into good soil, they would bear fruit of an altogether
different character.... The converting power of God is alone sufficient
to establish pure principles in the heart, so that the wicked one may
find nothing to assail.... Purity in speech, and true Christian courtesy
should be constantly practiced.—
Sons and Daughters of God, 316
Account of Every Word—How many words are spoken in light-
ness and foolishness, in jesting and joking! This would not be so did
the followers of Christ realize the truth of the words, “Every idle word
that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of
judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words
thou shalt be condemned.”—
The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 4:1141
Unsanctified Words—The soul will never free itself to come into
the clear, deep knowledge of the love of God until the speech is con-
verted. The counterworking power of unsanctified, faithless, cheap
words is the great hindrance to our prayers. God will draw nigh to
every soul that will draw nigh to Him. But the Spirit of God will
depart from those who leave the presence of God, and enter into vain
conversation, speaking many words that are of no weight or purpose.
The spiritual experience of such will stop abruptly.—
Manuscript 74,