Seite 88 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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The Voice in Speech and Song
A Stumbling Block to Sinners—This spirit of jesting and jok-
ing, of lightness and trifling, is a stumbling block to sinners and a
worse stumbling block to those who give way to the inclination of the
unsanctified heart.—
Evangelism, 641
Gossip and Nonsense—The giddy laugh, the jesting, the joking,
sickens the soul that is feeding on Christ. Cheap, foolish talk is painful
to Him. With a humble heart read carefully
1 Peter 1:13-18
. Those
who enjoy talking should see that their words are select and well
chosen. Be careful how you speak. Be careful how you represent
the religion you have accepted. You may feel it no sin to gossip and
talk nonsense, but this grieves your Saviour, and saddens the heavenly
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 457
Vain Conversation—Listen to the vain, frivolous conversation;
hear the laugh, the jesting, the joking. Is this imitating the Pattern? Still
listen—is Jesus mentioned? Is the truth the theme of conversation?
Are the speakers glorying in the cross of Christ?—
Testimonies for the
Church 1:505
Exaggerated Speech—Our thoughts produce our words and our
words react upon our thoughts. If a man forms the habit of using
sacred words reverently, he will form the custom of carefulness of
speech, knowing that there is a Witness to every word uttered. When
the feelings become excited and the speech is exaggerated, the mode
of speaking is always extreme. It acts and reacts upon ourselves.
The Word declares, “By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by
thy words thou shalt be condemned.”
Matthew 12:37
. If our words
act upon ourselves they act more powerfully upon others. There is
great mischief done by words spoken. God alone knows and measures
the result of a careless, exaggerated mode of speaking. There is much
swearing done in spirit.—
That I May Know Him, 137
Meaningless Phrases and Expletives—God’s Word condemns
also the use of those meaningless phrases and expletives that border
on profanity. It condemns the deceptive compliments, the evasions
of truth, the exaggerations, the misrepresentations in trade, that are
current in society and in the business world. “Let your speech be, Yea,
yea; Nay, nay: and whatsoever is more than these is of the evil one.”
Matthew 5:37
, R.V.