Seite 95 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Effect of Words on Oneself
they are often too proud to retract it, and try to prove themselves in the
right, until they come to believe that they are. It is dangerous to utter a
word of doubt, dangerous to question and criticize divine light.—
Desire of Ages, 323
Evilspeaking a Twofold Curse—Who does not love life and de-
sire good days? Yet how few comply with the conditions, to refrain
the tongue from evil and the lips from speaking guile. Few are willing
to follow the Saviour’s example of meekness and humility. Many ask
the Lord to humble them, but are unwilling to submit to the needful
discipline. When the test comes, when trials or even annoyances occur,
the heart rebels, and the tongue utters words that are like poisoned
arrows or blasting hail.
Evilspeaking is a twofold curse, falling more heavily upon the
speaker than upon the hearer. He who scatters the seeds of dissension
and strife reaps in his own soul the deadly fruits. How miserable is the
talebearer, the surmiser of evil! He is a stranger to true happiness.—
Testimonies for the Church 5:176