Seite 96 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Chapter 28—Discernment in Reproof
Message of Truth—If ever a people needed to walk before God
as did Enoch, Seventh-day Adventists need to do so now, showing
their sincerity by pure words, clean words, words full of sympathy,
tenderness, and love.
There are times when words of reproof and rebuke are called for.
Those who are out of the right way must be aroused to see their peril.
A message must be given that shall startle them from the lethargy
which enchains their senses. Moral renovation must take place, else
souls will perish in their sins. Let the message of truth, like a sharp,
two-edged sword, cut its way to the heart. Make appeals that will
arouse the careless and bring foolish, wandering minds back to God.—
Testimonies for the Church 7:155
Reproof in Love—In seeking to correct or reform others we
should be careful of our words. They will be a savor of life unto
life or of death unto death. In giving reproof or counsel, many in-
dulge in sharp, severe speech, words not adapted to heal the wounded
soul. By these ill-advised expressions the spirit is chafed, and often
the erring ones are stirred to rebellion. All who would advocate the
principles of truth need to receive the heavenly oil of love. Under all
circumstances reproof should be spoken in love. Then our words will
reform but not exasperate. Christ by His Holy Spirit will supply the
force and the power. This is His work.—
Christ’s Object Lessons, 337
So-Called Frankness, a Form of Selfishness—Some pride them-
selves on being outspoken, blunt, and rough, and they call this frank-
ness; but it is not rightly named, it is selfishness of the deepest dye.
These persons may have virtues; they may be liberal, and have kind
impulses; but their discourteous manners render them almost insup-
portable. They criticize, they wound, they say disagreeable things.
Will the character they are cultivating recommend them to Jesus? Will
it fit them for the society of heaven? We do well to examine ourselves
to see what manner of spirit we are cherishing. Let us learn to speak
gently, quietly, even under circumstances the most trying. Let us con-