Seite 246 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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The Adventist Home
here be repented of, and through the grace of Christ we must overcome
them while probation shall last. This is the place for fitting up for the
family above
Home religion is greatly needed, and our words in the home should
be of a right character, or our testimonies in the church will amount
to nothing. Unless you manifest meekness, kindness, and courtesy
in your home, your religion will be vain. If there were more genuine
home religion, there would be more power in the church
Terrible Mistake to Delay Religious Instruction—It is a most
grievous thing to let children grow up without the knowledge of God
Parents make a most terrible mistake when they neglect the work
of giving their children religious training, thinking that they will come
out all right in the future and, as they get older, will of themselves be
anxious for a religious experience. Cannot you see, parents, that if you
do not plant the precious seeds of truth, of love, of heavenly attributes,
in the heart, Satan will sow the field of the heart with tares
Too often children are allowed to grow up without religion because
their parents think they are too young to have Christian duties enjoined
upon them....
The question of the duty of children in regard to religious matters is
to be decided absolutely and without hesitancy while they are members
of the family
Parents stand in the place of God to their children to tell them what
they must do and what they must not do with firmness and perfect self-
control. Every effort made for them with kindness and self-control will
cultivate in their characters the elements of firmness and decision....
Fathers and mothers are in duty bound to settle this question early so
that the child will no more think of breaking the Sabbath, neglecting
religious worship and family prayer than he would think of stealing.
Parents’ own hands must build the barrier
From the earliest age a wise education in Christ’s lines is to be
begun and carried forward. When the children’s hearts are impressible,
The Signs of the Times, November 14, 1892
Messages to Young People, 327
The Signs of the Times, April 23, 1894
The Signs of the Times, August 6, 1912
The Review and Herald, April 13, 1897
Manuscript 119, 1899