Seite 247 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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Religion in the Family
they are to be taught concerning eternal realities. Parents should
remember that they are living, speaking, and acting in the presence of
Parents, what course are you pursuing? Are you acting upon the
idea that in religious matters your children should be left free of all
restraint? Are you leaving them without counsel or admonition through
childhood and youth? Are you leaving them to do as they please? If
so, you are neglecting your God-given responsibilities
Adapt Instruction to the Child’s Age—As soon as the little ones
are intelligent to understand, parents should tell them the story of
Jesus that they may drink in the precious truth concerning the Babe of
Bethlehem. Impress upon the children’s minds sentiments of simple
piety that are adapted to their years and ability. Bring your children in
prayer to Jesus, for He has made it possible for them to learn religion
as they learn to frame the words of the language
When very young, children are susceptible to divine influences.
The Lord takes these children under His special care; and when they
are brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, they are a
help and not a hindrance to their parents
Parents Jointly Foster Religion in the Home—The father and
the mother are responsible for the maintenance of religion in the
Let not the mother gather to herself so many cares that she cannot
give time to the spiritual needs of her family. Let parents seek God for
guidance in their work. On their knees before Him they will gain a true
understanding of their great responsibilities, and there they can commit
their children to One who will never err in counsel and instruction....
The father of the family should not leave to the mother all the care
of imparting spiritual instruction. A large work is to be done by fathers
and mothers, and both should act their individual part in preparing
their children for the grand review of the judgment
The Review and Herald, March 13, 1894
The Signs of the Times, August 27, 1912
The Signs of the Times, April 23, 1912
Manuscript 47, 1908
Letter 90, 1911