Seite 274 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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The Adventist Home
they are watched, and more is expected of them than of others. Their
dress should be an example. Their lives and conversation should be an
example, savoring of life rather than of death. I saw that they should
take a humble, meek, yet exalted stand, not having their conversation
upon things that do not tend to direct the mind heavenward. The great
inquiry should be: “How can I save my own soul and be the means
of saving others?” I saw that no halfhearted work in this matter is
accepted of God. He wants the whole heart and interest, or He will
have none. Their influence tells, decidedly, unmistakably, in favor of
the truth or against it. They gather with Jesus or scatter abroad. An
unsanctified wife is the greatest curse that a minister can have
Satan is ever at work to dishearten and lead astray ministers whom
God has chosen to preach the truth. The most effectual way in which
he can work is through home influences, through unconsecrated com-
panions. If he can control their minds, he can through them the more
readily gain access to the husband, who is laboring in word and doc-
trine to save souls.... Satan has had much to do with controlling the
labors of the ministers through the influence of selfish, ease-loving
Words of Counsel to Ministers Regarding Family Manage-
ment—You have a duty to do at home which you cannot shun and yet
be true to God and to your God-given trust.... The gospel field is the
world. You wish to sow the field with gospel truth, waiting for God to
water the seed sown that it may bring forth fruit. You have entrusted
to you a little plot of ground; but your own dooryard is left to grow up
with brambles and thorns, while you are engaged in weeding others’
gardens. This is not a small work, but one of great moment. You are
preaching the gospel to others; practice it yourself at home
Until you can be united in the work of properly disciplining your
child, let the wife remain with her child away from the scene of her
husband’s labors; for no example of lax, loose discipline should be
given to the church of God.
Testimonies For The Church 1, 139
Testimonies For The Church 1, 449, 451
Testimonies For The Church 4, 381