Seite 275 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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Minister’s Family
I have known many ministers who were unwise enough to travel
about, taking with them an unruly child. Their labors in the pulpit were
counteracted by the unlovely tempers manifested by their children
Take an Interest in Others’ Children—Your interest should not
be swallowed up in your own family to the exclusion of others. If you
share the hospitalities of your brethren, they may reasonably expect
something in return. Identify your interests with those of parents and
children, and seek to instruct and bless. Sanctify yourself to the work
of God, and be a blessing to those who entertain you, conversing
with parents and in no case overlooking the children. Do not feel that
your own little one is more precious in the sight of God than other
An Appeal to a Minister’s Wayward Son—Your father is a min-
ister of the gospel, and Satan works most zealously to lead the children
of ministers to dishonor their parents. If possible he will bring them
into captivity to his will and imbue them with his evil propensities.
Will you allow Satan to work through you to destroy the hope and
comfort of your parents? Will they be obliged to look upon you with
continual sadness because you give yourself into Satan’s control?
Will you leave them to the discouragement of thinking that they have
brought up children who refuse to be instructed by them, who follow
their own inclinations whatever happens? ...
You have good impulses, and you awaken hope and expectation
in the minds of your parents; but, so far, you have been powerless
to resist temptation, and Satan exults in your readiness to do just as
he wills. Often you make statements which inspire your parents with
hope, but just as often you fail because you will not resist the enemy.
You cannot know how it pains your father and mother when you are
found on Satan’s side. Many times you say, “I cannot do this,” and “I
cannot do that,” when you know that the things you say you cannot
do are right for you to do. You can fight against the enemy, not in
your own strength, but in the strength God is ever ready to give you.
Trusting in His word, you will never say, “I can’t.” ...
I appeal to you in the name of the Lord to turn before it is too
late. Because you are the son of parents who are co-workers with
Letter 1, 1877
Testimonies For The Church 4, 382