Seite 355 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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Safe And Unsafe Associations
dropped in their hearing, these things will fasten in their minds and
mold their characters
Nothing can more effectually prevent or banish serious impressions
and good desires than association with vain, careless, and corrupt-
minded persons. Whatever attractions such persons may possess by
their wit, sarcasm, and fun, the fact that they treat religion with levity
and indifference is sufficient reason why they should not be associated
with. The more engaging they are in other respects, the more should
their influence be dreaded as companions because they throw around
an irreligious life so many dangerous attractions
Worldly associations attract and dazzle the senses so that piety,
the fear of God, faithfulness, and loyalty have not power to keep men
steadfast. The humble, unassuming life of Christ seems altogether
unattractive. To many who claim to be sons and daughters of God,
Jesus, the Majesty of heaven, is “as a root out of a dry ground: He
hath no form nor comeliness.
Do Not Center Affections on Worldly Relatives—We cannot
serve God and the world at the same time. We must not center our
affections on worldly relatives, who have no desire to learn the truth.
We may seek in every way, while associated with them, to let our
light shine; but our words, our deportment, our customs and practices,
should not in any sense be molded by their ideas and customs. We are
to show forth the truth in all our intercourse with them. If we cannot
do this, the less association we have with them the better it will be for
our spirituality
Shun Those With Low Standards, Loose Morals—It is wrong
for Christians to associate with those whose morals are loose. An
intimate, daily intercourse which occupies time without contributing
in any degree to the strength of the intellect or morals is dangerous. If
the moral atmosphere surrounding persons is not pure and sanctified,
but is tainted with corruption, those who breathe this atmosphere will
find that it operates almost insensibly upon the intellect and heart to
poison and to ruin. It is dangerous to be conversant with those whose
minds naturally take a low level. Gradually and imperceptibly those
Testimonies For The Church 5, 545
Ibid., 3:125
Manuscript 6, 1892
Testimonies For The Church 5, 543