Seite 356 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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The Adventist Home
who are naturally conscientious and love purity will come to the same
level and partake of and sympathize with the imbecility and moral
barrenness with which they are so constantly brought in contact
A good name is more precious than gold. There is an inclination
with the youth to associate with those who are inferior in mind and
morals. What real happiness can a young person expect from a vol-
untary connection with persons who have a low standard of thoughts,
feelings, and deportment? Some are debased in taste and depraved in
habits, and all who choose such companions will follow their example.
We are living in times of peril that should cause the hearts of all to
Many Yield to Temptation Through Fear of Ridicule—
Children ... should have companions who will not ridicule what is pure
and worthy, but will rather advocate what is right. The fear of ridicule
leads many a youth to yield to temptation and to walk in the way of
the ungodly. Mothers may do much by example as well as by precept
to show their children how to be upright amid scorn and ridicule
Why do our youth not consider that those who are ready to lead
others into forbidden paths are easily overcome by temptation and are
Satan’s agents to encourage disorderly habits, to laugh at those who are
conscientious and who would preserve their integrity of character
Live Before Strangers As You Would Before God—Young
friends, do not spend an hour in the company of those who would
unfit you for the pure and sacred work of God. Do nothing before
strangers that you would not do before your father and mother, or that
you would be ashamed of before Christ and the holy angels.
Some may think these cautions are not needed by Sabbathkeepers,
but those to whom they apply know what I mean. I tell you, young
men, to beware; for you can do nothing that is not open to the eyes
of angels and of God. You cannot do an evil work and others not
be affected by it. While your course of action reveals what kind of
material is used in your own character building, it also has a powerful
influence over others. Never lose sight of the fact that you belong to
Testimonies For The Church 3, 125
Testimonies For The Church 4, 558
The Review and Herald, March 31, 1891
The Youth’s Instructor, January 18, 1894