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Child Guidance
You will find that as the children place their pennies in these boxes,
they will gain a great blessing.... Every member of the family, from
the oldest to the youngest, should practice self-denial
Children Should Not Be the Center of Attraction—Children of
two to four years of age should not be encouraged to think that they
must have everything that they ask for. Parents should teach them
lessons of self-denial and never treat them in such a way as to make
them think they are the center, and that everything revolves about
Many children have inherited selfishness from their parents, but
parents should seek to uproot every fiber of this evil tendency from
their natures. Christ gave many reproofs to those who were covetous
and selfish. Parents should seek, on the first exhibition of selfish traits
of character, whether in their presence, or when in association with
other children, to restrain and uproot these traits from the character of
their children
Some parents give much time and attention to amusing their chil-
dren, but children should be trained to amuse themselves, to exercise
their own ingenuity and skill. Thus they will learn to be content with
very simple pleasures. They should be taught to bear bravely their
little disappointments and trials. Instead of calling attention to every
trifling pain or hurt, divert their minds; teach them to pass lightly over
little annoyances or discomforts
The Grace of Self-forgetfulness—One of the characteristics that
should be especially cherished and cultivated in every child is that
self-forgetfulness which imparts to the life such an unconscious grace.
Of all excellences of character this is one of the most beautiful, and
for every true lifework it is one of the qualifications most essential
Study how to teach the children to be thoughtful of others. The
youth should be early accustomed to submission, self-denial, and
regard for others’ happiness. They should be taught to subdue the
hasty temper, to withhold the passionate word, to manifest unvarying
kindness, courtesy, and self-control
The Review and Herald, June 22, 1905
The Signs of the Times, August 13, 1896
The Ministry of Healing, 389
Education, 237
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 123, 124