Chapter 23—Self-Denial, Unselfishness, and
Lessons That Are Needed in Every Home—In every home there
should be taught lessons of self-denial. Fathers and mothers, teach
your children to economize. Encourage them to save their pennies for
missionary work. Christ is our example. For our sakes He became
poor, that we through His poverty might be made rich. He taught that
all should come together in love and unity, to work as He worked, to
sacrifice as He sacrificed, to love as the children of God
Learn the lesson of self-denial, and teach it to your children. All
that can be saved by self-denial is needed now in the work to be done.
The suffering must be relieved, the naked clothed, the hungry fed; the
truth for this time must be told to those who know it not
Sacrifice Should Become Habitual—By precept and example,
teach self-denial, economy, largeheartedness, and self-reliance. Every-
one who has a true character will be qualified to cope with difficulties
and will be prompt in following a “Thus saith the Lord.” Men are not
prepared to understand their obligation to God until they have learned
in Christ’s school to wear His yoke of restraint and obedience. Sac-
rifice is the very beginning of our work in advancing the truth and in
establishing institutions. It is an essential part of education. Sacrifice
must become habitual in all our character building in this life, if we
would have a building not made with hands, eternal in the heavens
A Self-denial Box—Children are to be educated to deny them-
selves. At one time, when I was speaking in Nashville, the Lord gave
me light on this matter. It flashed upon me with great force that in
every home there should be a self-denial box, and that into this box the
children should be taught to put their pennies they would otherwise
spend for candy and other unnecessary things....
Testimonies For The Church 9:130, 131
Messages to Young People, 314
Testimonies For The Church 6:214