Seite 172 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Chapter 41—Objectives of Discipline
Self-government the Paramount Objective—The object of dis-
cipline is the training of the child for self-government. He should
be taught self-reliance and self-control. Therefore as soon as he is
capable of understanding, his reason should be enlisted on the side of
obedience. Let all dealing with him be such as to show obedience to be
just and reasonable. Help him to see that all things are under law, and
that disobedience leads, in the end, to disaster and suffering. When
God says, “Thou shalt not,” He in love warns us of the consequence of
disobedience, in order to save us from harm and loss
Enlisting the Power of the Will.—The true object of reproof is
gained only when the wrongdoer himself is led to see his fault and his
will is enlisted for its correction. When this is accomplished, point
him to the source of pardon and power
Those who train their pupils to feel that the power lies in themselves
to become men and women of honor and usefulness will be the most
permanently successful
Correct Habits, Inclinations, Evil Tendencies—It is the work of
the parents to restrain and guide and control. They cannot commit
a worse evil than to permit their children to gratify all their childish
wishes and fancies, and leave them to follow their own inclinations;
they cannot do them a greater wrong than to leave upon their minds
the impression that they are to live to please and amuse themselves, to
choose their own ways and find their own pleasure and society.... The
youth need parents who will educate and discipline them, correct their
wrong habits and inclinations, and prune away their evil tendencies
Break Down Satan’s Stronghold—Mothers, the destiny of your
children rests to a great extent in your hands. If you fail in duty, you
may place them in Satan’s ranks and make them his agents to ruin
Education, 287
Education, 291
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 58
Manuscript 12, 1898