Objectives of Discipline
other souls. Or your faithful discipline and godly example may lead
them to Christ, and they in turn will influence others, and thus many
souls may be saved through your instrumentality
Let us look carefully and begin to catch up our dropped stitches.
Let us break down the strongholds of the enemy. Let us mercifully
correct our loved ones and keep them from the power of the enemy.
Do not be discouraged
Teach Respect to Parental and Divine Authority—Children ...
should be trained, educated, and disciplined until they become obedient
to their parents, giving respect to their authority. In this way respect
for divine authority will be implanted in their hearts, and the family
training will be like a preparatory training for the family in heaven.
The training of childhood and youth should be of such a character that
children will be prepared to take up their religious duties, and thus
become fitted to enter into the courts above
He who is the fountain of all knowledge has stated the condition
of our fitness to enter the heaven of bliss, in the words, “Blessed are
they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of
life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” Obedience to
God’s commandments is the price of heaven, and obedience to their
parents in the Lord is the all-important lesson for children to learn
Obedience From Principle, Not Compulsion—Tell your chil-
dren exactly what you require of them. Then let them understand that
your word is law and must be obeyed. Thus you are training them
to respect the commandments of God, which plainly declare, “Thou
shalt,” and “Thou shalt not.” It is far better for your boy to obey from
principle than from compulsion
A Lesson in Implicit Confidence—Isaac is bound by the trem-
bling, loving hands of his pitying father, because God has said it. The
son submits to the sacrifice, because he believes in the integrity of his
This act of faith in Abraham is recorded for our benefit. It teaches
us the great lesson of confidence in the requirements of God, however
The Signs of the Times, February 9, 1882
The Review and Herald, July 16, 1895
The Review and Herald, March 13, 1894
Manuscript 12a, 1896
The Review and Herald, September 15, 1904