Seite 185 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Discipline in the Home
Parents to Be United in Discipline—The mother should ever
have the co-operation of the father in her efforts to lay the foundation
of a good Christian character in her children. A doting father should
not close his eyes to the faults of his children because it is not pleasant
to administer correction
Right principles must be established in the mind of the child. If the
parents are united in this work of discipline, the child will understand
what is required of him. But if the father, by word or look, shows that
he does not approve of the discipline the mother gives, if he feels that
she is too strict, and thinks that he must make up for the harshness by
petting and indulgence, the child will be ruined. Deception will be
practiced by the sympathizing parents, and the child will soon learn
that he can do as he pleases. Parents who are committing this sin
against their children are accountable for the ruin of their souls
Combined Influence of Affection and Authority—Let the light
of heavenly grace irradiate your character, that there may be sun-
light in the home. Let there be peace, pleasant words, and cheerful
countenances. This is not blind affection, not that tenderness which
encourages sin by unwise indulgence, and which is the veriest cruelty,
not that false love which allows the children to rule and makes the
parents slaves to their caprices. There should be no parental partiality,
no oppression; the combined influence of affection and authority will
place the right mold upon the family
Represent God’s Character in Discipline—Be firm, be decided
in carrying out Bible instruction, but be free from all passion. Bear in
mind that when you become harsh and unreasonable before your little
ones, you teach them to be the same. God requires you to educate
your children, bringing into your discipline all the generalship of a
wise teacher who is under the control of God. If the converting power
of God is exercised in your home, you yourselves will be constant
learners. You will represent the character of Christ, and your efforts in
this direction will please God. Never neglect the work that should be
done for the younger members of the Lord’s family. You are, parents,
the light of your home. Then let your light shine forth in pleasant
words, in soothing tones of the voice. Take all the sting out of them
Testimonies For The Church 1:547
Manuscript 58, 1899
The Review and Herald, September 15, 1891