Child Guidance
by prayer to God for self-control. And angels will be in your home,
for they will observe your light. The discipline you give your children
will go forth in strong, clear currents from your correctly managed
home to the world
No Deviation From Right Principles—Anciently, parental au-
thority was regarded; children were then in subjection to their parents
and feared and reverenced them; but in these last days the order is
reversed. Some parents are in subjection to their children. They fear
to cross the will of their children, and therefore yield to them. But just
as long as children are under the roof of the parents, dependent upon
them, they should be subject to their control. Parents should move
with decision, requiring that their views of right be followed out
Take Extreme Steps if Willful Disobedience Is Unchecked—
Some indulgent, ease-loving parents fear to exercise wholesome au-
thority over their unruly sons, lest they run away from home. It would
be better for some to do this than to remain at home to live upon the
bounties provided by the parents, and at the same time trample upon
all authority, both human and divine. It might be a most profitable
experience for such children to have to the full that independence
which they think so desirable, to learn that it costs exertion to live.
Let the parents say to the boy who threatens to run away from home,
“My son, if you are determined to leave home rather than comply with
just and proper rules, we will not hinder you. If you think to find the
world more friendly than the parents who have cared for you from
infancy, you must learn your mistake for yourself. When you wish to
come to your father’s house, to be subject to his authority, you will be
welcome. Obligations are mutual. While you have food and clothing
and parental care, you are in return under obligation to submit to home
rules and wholesome discipline. My house cannot be polluted with the
stench of tobacco, with profanity or drunkenness. I desire that angels
of God shall come into my home. If you are fully determined to serve
Satan, you will be as well off with those whose society you love as
you will be at home.”
Such a course would check the downward career of thousands.
But too often children know that they may do their worst, and yet an
Manuscript 142, 1898
Testimonies For The Church 1:216, 217