Seite 19 - Child Guidance (1954)

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First Teachers
Train them in the fear and love of God; for “the fear of the Lord is the
beginning of wisdom.
Those who are loyal to God will represent Him in the home life.
They will look upon the training of their children as a sacred work,
entrusted to them by the Most High
Parents to Qualify as Christian Teachers—The work of parents,
which means so much, is greatly neglected. Awake, parents, from your
spiritual slumber and understand that the very first teaching the child
receives is to be given to him by you. You are to teach your little
ones to know Christ. This work you must do before Satan sows his
seeds in their hearts. Christ calls the children, and they are to be led to
Him, educated in habits of industry, neatness, and order. This is the
discipline Christ desires them to receive
Sin will lie at the door of parents unless they take themselves in
hand and qualify themselves to become wise, safe, Christian teach-
Unity Between Parents Is Necessary—Husband and wife are to
be closely united in their work in the home school. They are to be
very tender and very guarded in their speech, lest they open a door
of temptation through which Satan will enter to obtain victory after
victory. They are to be kind and courteous to each other, acting in such
a way that they can respect one another. Each is to help the other to
bring into the home a pleasant, wholesome atmosphere. They should
not differ in the presence of their children. Christian dignity is ever to
be preserved
The Special Instructor Given for Every Child—The mother
must ever stand pre-eminent in this work of training the children;
while grave and important duties rest upon the father, the mother, by
almost constant association with her children, especially during their
tender years, must always be their special instructor and companion
An Education Broader Than Mere Instruction—Parents must
learn the lesson of implicit obedience to God’s voice, which speaks
Manuscript 103, 1902
The Review and Herald, October 9, 1900
Manuscript 38, 1895
Letter 272, 1903
Pacific Health Journal, January, 1890