Child Guidance
to them out of His Word; and as they learn this lesson, they can teach
their children respect and obedience in word and action. This is the
work that should be carried on in the home. Those who do it will reach
upward themselves, realizing that they must elevate their children.
This education means much more than mere instruction
Haphazard Work Not Acceptable—Haphazard work in the
home will not pass the review in the judgment. Faith and works
are to be combined by Christian parents. As Abraham commanded his
household after him, so they are to command their households after
them. The standard which every parent must raise is given: “They
shall keep the way of the Lord.” Every other way is a path which leads,
not to the city of God, but to the ranks of the destroyer
Let Parents Review Work—Will parents review their work in the
educating and training of their children, and consider whether they
have done their whole duty in hope and faith that these children may
be a crown of rejoicing in the day of the Lord Jesus? Have they so
labored for the welfare of their children that Jesus can look down from
heaven and by the gift of His Spirit sanctify their efforts? Parents, it
may be yours to prepare your children for the highest usefulness in
this life, and to share at last the glory of that which is to come
Manuscript 84, 1897
The Review and Herald, March 30, 1897
Good Health, January, 1880