Training for Practical Life
An Experiment in Happiness—Children, seat your mother in the
easy chair, and tell her to show you what she would have done first.
What a surprise this would be to many weary, overtaxed mothers!
Never will children and youth feel the peace of contentment until by
the faithful performance of home duties they relieve the tired hands and
weary heart and brain of the mother. These are steps on the ladder of
progress that will carry them forward to receive the higher education.
It is the faithful performance of everyday duties that brings the
satisfaction and peace that come to the true home worker. Those who
neglect to bear part of the responsibilities of the home are the ones who
are troubled with loneliness and discontent; for they have not learned
the truth that those who are happy are happy because they share the
daily routine of work which rests upon the mother or other members
of the family. Many are leaving unlearned the most useful lessons,
which it is essential for their future good to understand
The Rewards of Faithfulness in Home Duties—A faithful ful-
fillment of home duties, filling the position you can occupy to the best
advantage, be it ever so simple and humble, is truly elevating. This
divine influence is needed. In this there is peace and sacred joy. It
possesses healing power. It will secretly and insensibly soothe the
wounds of the soul and even the sufferings of the body. Peace of mind,
which comes from pure and holy motives and actions, will give free
and vigorous spring to all the organs of the body. Inward peace and
a conscience void of offense toward God will quicken and invigorate
the intellect, like dew distilled upon the tender plants. The will is then
rightly directed and controlled and is more decided and yet free from
perverseness. The meditations are pleasing because they are sancti-
fied. The serenity of mind which you may possess will bless all with
whom you associate. This peace and calmness will, in time, become
natural and will reflect its precious rays upon all around you, to be
again reflected upon you. The more you taste this heavenly peace and
quietude of mind, the more it will increase. It is an animated, living
pleasure which does not throw all the moral energies into a stupor, but
awakens them to increased activity. Perfect peace is an attribute of
Heaven which angels possess
Manuscript 129, 1898
Testimonies For The Church 2:326, 327