Child Guidance
There Will Be Activity in Heaven—The angels are workers; they
are ministers of God to the children of men. Those slothful servants
who look forward to a heaven of inaction have false ideas of what con-
stitutes heaven. The Creator has prepared no place for the gratification
of sinful indolence. Heaven is a place of interested activity; yet to the
weary and heavy laden, to those who have fought the good fight of
faith, it will be a glorious rest; for the youth and vigor of immortality
will be theirs, and against sin and Satan they will no longer have to
contend. To these energetic workers a state of eternal indolence would
be irksome. It would be no heaven to them. The path of toil appointed
to the Christian on earth may be hard and wearisome, but it is honored
by the footprints of the Redeemer, and he is safe who follows in that
sacred way
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 99